Who we are

We, Walter (father) and Stefan (son), have been active for years in finding leaks in pools. Through our combined experience, we are able to detect leaks with a very high success rate.

When my pool leaks

It is not always easy to pinpoint the location of a leak in a pool with accessories. Our custom developed methods of detection avoid having to demolish the pool surroundings to locate the leak. Our vision is to think before breaking stuff.


Our customer service extends to both private customers as well as organizations, public instances and companies; especially pool builders. Lots of customers end up contacting us because of our knowledge and professional methods. We guarantee optimal advice for everyone.

Some of our solutions

To detect a leak using our techniques, it is not required to empty the pool. We have a complete set of diving equipment and will work under water to find the problems in a short amount of time. Even a leak in the pool liner can be detected this way.

Pressure testing pipes can be used to track down a leak in pipe works. We use various professional tools to perform pressure testing with the highest precision.

We utilize a color camera to perform inspections. This camera is solely used for pool diagnostics, never in other circumstances (e.g. in a sewer pipe). Our professional research techniques can detect and localise leaks without damaging or demolishing the pool surroundings.

Thorough analysis

Through thorough analysis using state of the art means, we can determine the location of a leak without damaging your property. Have a look below for some examples of problems found.

No Cure, no pay !

We guarantee finding the leak in 99% of cases. You are only charged when the leak is actually found and visually demonstrated.


  • "We think the problem has been resolved, there is no further leakage of water. We thank you for the cooperation and for the professionalism.”

    A satisfied customer

  • "My wife and myself are very happy with the results and would like to thank and congratulate you.
    It was very nice meeting you !”

    Jan and Katrien

  • "Walter and Stefan have passed by to perform the detection earlier this morning.
    I feel they did a very professional job.
    These people clearly have the skills and experience required.."

    Mail of owner\s club to building reponsible

  • "A reputable firm we cooperate with every time there is a leak in a pool or pipe work."

    A pool builder

  • "Someone who is able to detect leaks in pool pipe work and comes recommended by LMP."

    A pool designer

  • "A reputable firm we cooperate with every time there is a leak in a pool or pipe work."

    A pool builder

  • "Someone who is able to detect leaks in pool pipe work and comes recommended by LMP."

    A pool designer

  • "You have proven that you can fix what others can't"


  • "I'm very relieved with the news and very happy with the results and your way of working. You have earned your money ! Thanks so much, I hope we can rely on your expertise in future when a situation occurs that we can not solve..."

    Greetings, B.

  • "Wir bedanken uns noch einmal recht herzlich für die pünktlichen und erfolgreichen Arbeiten an unserem Pool. Nun können wir alle wieder ohne Wasserverlust diesen Sommer plantschen."

    Die ganze Familie Breuer

  • "Ce petit message pour vous dire que nous avons effectué les travaux selon vos instructions et que tout fonctionne bien.Nous sommes très contents de votre intervention. Un grand merci."

    Roselyne Gentile

  • "Vielen Dank noch einmal fur Ihr Kommen am Montag, den sehr netten Kontakt und vor allem, dass Sie mir geholfen haben und der Pool kein Wasser mehr verliert."

    P. M. ; Hannover.

  • "Belangrijk vind ik om te melden dat we op uw advies niet verder hebben gezocht naar eventuele andere lekkages, aangezien de lekken zoals door jullie gevonden overeen kwamen met ons waterverlies, dit op basis van jullie ervaringen bij anderen."

    Camping ‘t Veld

  • "Bedankt voor de snelle interventie en het gedetailleerde verslag! Indien jullie referenties nodig hebben, geef gerust mijn contactgegevens door! "

    N.B. uit Herk-de-Stad

  • "Nogmaals hartelijk dank voor de dienstverlening vandaag door jou en je zoon, ik ben in ieder geval blij dat helder is waar de lekkages zitten. "


  • "Nous vous remercions cordialement d'avoir trouver la fuite et aussi régler notre problème de perte d'eau ! On est très content de votre travail et aussi de nous avoir dépanner si vite ! Chapeau !"

  • "Wir sind begeistert von der professionellen Arbeit. Uns wurde schnell und gut geholfen. Das Leck in einer einbetonierten Einlaufdüse wurde gefunden und ich konnte danach die Reparatur durchführen. Darüber hinaus wurde mir ein Video der Leckage übersendet, mit dem ich in Garantieverhandlungen mit dem Hersteller gehen kann. Es handelte sich eindeutig um einen Produktionsfehler des Fabrikanten. Meine Familie und ich können nun unseren Pool genießen! Ihre Arbeit war jeden Cent wert. "

    Familie Bisenius

  • "Je vous remercie pour le travail effectué ! Une fois la fuite trouvée , j'ai pu facilement réparer. J'étais assez inquiet de savoir que je perdais tant d'eau et que cela risquait d'abîmer ma piscine . J'ai eu beau chercher moi même , creuser,..... votre expertise m'a sauvé ! "

    L. P.